The Third International
Surrogacy and Infertility Conference
Tel Aviv, February 12-14, 2015
Comprehensive "how-to" parenting program
Medical, psychological, and legal experts
Parent and surrogate testimonies
20+ Surrogacy Services Exhibitors from Israel and the USA
24 "meet the sponsor" breakout sessions
Advice for both gay and straight prospective parents
The City of Tel Aviv, in cooperation with the international organization Men Having Babies, is proud to present the third annual International Surrogacy and Fertility Conference in Israel
Israel's third international surrogacy and fertility conference will take place in February 12-14, 2015. The three-day event will feature expert and personal advice, exhibits and specialty panels for both gay and straight prospective parents. The program is based on the successful format of conferences that also took place in the USA and Europe.
The conference will feature surrogacy opportunities in Israel alongside with options abroad, including the USA, Canada, India, Nepal and Mexico.
For English Speaking Attendees: There will be simultaneous English translation available Thursday evening, for all the major sessions of the program - 10:00 - 13:00 on both Friday and Saturday. Three of the workshops Saturday afternoon will be in English (see the detailed program). In addition, the majority of the breakout sessions will be in English and private consultations on Saturday can be scheduled in English as well.
Last year’s Tel Aviv conference attracted more than 150 intended parents, dozens of parents who came with their children for a surrogacy family reunion, agencies and clinics from around the world, the Tel Aviv mayor, and much media attention.
The conference will take place at the Tel Aviv Gay Center, at Gan Meir (22 Tsernichovsky Street). You can see this illustration for exact location (the Center is located at a Park and the best access is from King George Street).
Sponsoring law firms
Supportive community organizations
Detailed program (updated)
Thursday, February 12, 2015 (pre-conference sessions)
Sponsors reception: 18:00-19:00
An opportunity for organizers and activists of Israeli LGBT and surrogacy organizations to meet and interact with representatives of the conference's sponsors.
Symposium - Is gay parenting reserved to the affluent only? 19:00 - 20:00
Legal and social strategies for removing obstacles in the path to parenthood and lowering the costs of surrogacy for Israeli gay men.
Legal and social strategies for removing obstacles in the path to parenthood and lowering the costs of surrogacy for Israeli gay men.
A public symposium with legal experts and community leaders. The panelists will present how current regulation and proposed legislation are indifferent to the mounting bureaucracy and expenses they add to the already high costs of the few parenting alternatives Israeli gay men have.
Panelist include:
- Attorney Michal Eden
- Attorney Hagai Kalai
- Udi Ledergor, Chairman of the Israeli Gay Fathers Association
Panelist include:
- Attorney Michal Eden
- Attorney Hagai Kalai
- Udi Ledergor, Chairman of the Israeli Gay Fathers Association
About the Gay Parenting Assistance Program: 20:00 - 21:00 PM
A review of the financial support available to Israeli prospective parents through the Gay Parenting Assistance Program (GPAP). GPAP is offered in Israel in cooperation with the Israel Gay Fathers’ Association. Ten Israeli couples and singles were selected in 2014-2015 for grants and free services, and dozens more have already benefitted from substantial discounts from surrogacy agencies, clinics and law firms.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Registration: 9:00 - 10:00
Opening session - introduction to surrogacy: 10:00 - 12:00
- Introduction by sponsors (Hebrew / English): representatives of sponsoring surrogacy organizations will provide a brief description of the services they provide.
- A panel of medical, psychological, and legal experts will provide an overview of the entire surrogacy process for gay men. These topics will be addressed in further details during the comparative panels Saturday morning.
Panelist include:
- Attorney Victoria Gelfand
- Dr. Guy Ledergor
- Dr. Ilan Tal
- Eitan Schechtman
- A panel of medical, psychological, and legal experts will provide an overview of the entire surrogacy process for gay men. These topics will be addressed in further details during the comparative panels Saturday morning.
Panelist include:
- Attorney Victoria Gelfand
- Dr. Guy Ledergor
- Dr. Ilan Tal
- Eitan Schechtman
Personal stories panel: 12:00 - 13:00
Surrogates and parents who had children through surrogacy in Israel and abroad will discuss their personal experiences.
Lunch break: 13:00 - 13:30
Breakout sessions - come meet the sponsors: 13:30 - 15:30
Attendees will have the opportunity to take part in up to 6 introductory 20-minute group consultations with the various seminar sponsors. Take advantage of this opportunity to "shop around" and get to know these agencies and clinics more closely. Most of the sessions will be in English. See the "Breakout Sessions" tab for a list and schedule.
Surrogacy and Gay Parenting Services Exhibit: 15:00 - 17:30
More than a fifteen tables where you can meet and receive information from leading clinics, surrogacy agencies, lawyers and other professionals, in addition to several community organizations. Free admission.
Kabalat Shabbat with surrogacy families: 16:30 - 17:30
Surrogacy parents with their children will join us to interact with the prospective parents and reunite with the representatives of the agencies and clinics that helped create their families! Organized by the Israeli Gay Fathers’ Association. Free admission.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Private consultations with service providers: 9:00-18:00
More than a dozen clinics and agencies from Israel and abroad will be available in offices at the Gay Center for private consultations with prospective parents that wish to explore the options they offer in more depth. To coordinate consultations in advance you may sign up at the online consultation request form. Consultation slots may also be available last minute for those who want to first hear the providers on Friday.
Comparative panel - Medical aspects of surrogacy across various countries (facilitator: Dr. Avi Brecher): 10:00 -11:20
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear in more depth about the various medical issues regarding the IVF, egg donation and surrogacy processes. Specialists from Israel and abroad will present and answer questions regarding the process in Israel, the United States, Nepal, Canada and Mexico.
Comparative panel - Legal and logistical aspects of surrogacy across various countries (facilitator: Attorney Victoria Gelfand): 11:30 - 13:00
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear more and ask questions about the legal and logistical aspects of the surrogacy process in Israel, the United States, Canada, Nepal, and Mexico. Issues addressed will be the legal preparations required before the process, picking providers, costs, contracts, medical insurance, legal status of surrogacy and gay couples in the respective countries, the return to Israel and attaining citizenship for the babies and legal recognition or non-biological parents.
Specialty workshops: 14:00 - 18:00
See table below.
(2nd Floor)
Lecture room
(1st Floor)
(Ground Floor)
Managing, budgeting and increasing the efficiency of surrogacy processes in developing countries
Gay Fathers - coping with family and workplace during after the surrogacy process
Responsible surrogacy - considering the well-being of all the parties involved in the surrogacy process
Sibling journeys - special considerations for a “second round”.
Medical workshop: Surrogacy for infertile couples
Managing, budgeting and increasing the efficiency of surrogacy processes in the USA
Managing, budgeting and increasing the efficiency of surrogacy processes in Israel
Medical workshop: choosing egg donors and creating optimal embryos
Psychological and social issues during the surrogacy process
Legal steps to establish the parentage status upon returning from a surrogacy process abroad
Medical workshop: choosing an optimal surrogate and making crucial decisions during the IVF process
Overview of medical insurance issues for surrogates and newborns in the USA
Speakers (updated)
Victoria Gelfand, Esq.
Victoria Gelfand's law offices specialize primarily in all legal matters involved in establishment of a family: helping couples to officially formalize their relationship, guiding couples and singles to find a suitable solution to parent and co-parent children, and assisting different family units to receive full acknowledgment and related rights.
Victoria has been practicing law for over a decade, during which she won numerous precedential cases, such as maternity leave for fathers, complicated cases involving assisted reproductive technology (ART), precedential adoption cases, etc. She was the first Israeli attorney to provide ongoing legal assistance to Israelis seeking surrogacy abroad. In 2007 she achieved first recognition of surrogacy carried out in India by the Israeli Ministry of Interior. During her career Victoria has assisted over a thousand couples and individuals in issues of ART, family formation and family rights, and over a hundred families in issues of foreign surrogacy. Victoria is a co-author of several legal guides, a legal commentator and expert for the media and the director of Ynet portal on surrogacy.
Dr. Guy Ledergor
בן 33, מתל-אביב, בוגר ביה"ס לרפואה של הדסה והאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. ד״ר לדרגור הוא מומחה לרפואה פנימית, רופא בכיר במחלקה פנימית במרכז רפואי ת"א (איכילוב), וחוקר במכון ויצמן למדע.
נשוי לאודי, ואב לתום בת השנתיים, שהובאה לעולם בעזרתה של פונדקאית מסן-פרנסיסקו, קליפורניה. ד״ר לדרגור היה שותף, ביחד עם בן-זוגו ועו"ד ויקטוריה גלפנד, לפסיקה תקדימית בה בוטלה החובה לתסקיר סוציאלי במתן צו הורות להורה הלא-ביולוגי.
Dr. Avi Brecher
רופא מומחה ברפואת ילדים העוסק באבחון בעיות התפתחות בילדים וכן אבחון וטיפול בהפרעות קשב וריכוז אצל ילדים ב"מכון להתפתחות הילד ונוירולוגיה של הילד” במסגרת "שירותי בריאות כללית" בחיפה. מלווה גנים מטעם עמותת "אלוין" בצפון הארץ שבהם ילדים עם לקויות התפתחות שונות. כמו כן עובד במרפאת ילדים ראשונית עצמאית במסגרת "שרותי בריאות כללית" בחיפה.
ד״ר ברכר סיים את למודי הרפואה בפקולטה לרפואה ע"ש רפפורט לטכניון והתמחה ברפואת ילדים במרכז הרפואי כרמל בחיפה.
בנוסף אבי ברכר הינו במאי תיאטרון, בוגר החוג לתיאטרון במסלול בימוי באוניברסיטת חיפה, אשר ביים בשנה האחרונה במסגרת תיאטרון תהל את ההצגות "COCK" ואת ההצגה "R&J" שמוצגת בימים אלו במרכז הגאה בתל אביב.
אבי הינו הורה יחידני לשני ילדים: ילד שאמץ מגואטמלה וילדה שנולדה בתהליך פונדקאות בארה"ב.
Dr. Ilan Tal
ד"ר אילן טל, מומחה בפסיכיאטריה, מהפסיכיאטרים המוכרים בישראל. עוסק רבות בתקשורת בהנגשת הטיפול הרגשי והנפשי ובשיפור איכות חיים ומיצוי פוטנציאל אישי זוגי ומשפחתי. היה מדריך אקדמי וחלק מהסגל בפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת תל-אביב בתחום הפסיכיאטריה הקלינית, וניהל יחידה קלינית רב מקצועית במרכז הקהילתי לבריאות הנפש במרפאת “רמת - חן” בתל אביב.
בעל ניסיון אבחוני, ייעוצי וטיפולי רב בסיוע לזוגות וליחידים בתהליכי הורות, ופעמים רבות ממונה על ידי בתי המשפט להעריך מסוגלות הורית במקרים של מחלוקות בין הורים. בעל ניסיון עשיר בהערכה ובטיפול בהפרעות חרדה ובשילוב טכניקות טיפוליות - פסיכולוגיות ופסיכיאטריות
הקים ומנהל את מרכז ד"ר טל, על כל יחידותיו. היחידה לתמיכה רגשית ונפשית ובה צוות רב תחומי (פסיכיאטרים, פסיכולוגים, עובדים סוציאליים ועוד) המסייע בין השאר לזוגות ויחידים בתהליכי הורות וכן בטיפול בילדים בכל הגילאים, כולל הגיל הרך, היחידה לחוות דעת ופרויקט לאכול מחדש לטיפול באכילה רגשית.
Eitan Schechtman
איתן שכטמן, בן 33, סטודנט לדוקטורט במדעי המח, נשוי לניר ואב לנגה, שנולדה במסגרת תהליך פונדקאות בהודו. פעיל בפרויקט "פונדקאית אחראית", שנועד לחשוף הורים לעתיד לסוגיות הקשורות בהיבטים האתיים של התהליך. צוות הפרויקט מפעיל מוקד ידע הכולל עשרות נקודות פרקטיות ומהותיות שנוגעות ברווחתה של הפונדקאית ובהגנה המשפטית לה היא זוכה, בתנאים הרפואיים של התהליך, בתהליך תרומת הביציות ובהיבטים נוספים. אנו בצוות מאמינים שנגישות למידע בנוגע לסוגיות אלו יכולה לשרת את ההורים המעוניינים לקיים תהליך שמיטיב עם כל הצדדים. מוקד הידע מותאם להורים המבצעים פונדקאות בכל העולם: בארץ, במדינות המזרח ואף בארצות הברית ובקנדה. צוות הפרויקט שגיבש את מוקד הידע כולל הורים לילדים מפונדקאות לצד פעילות פמיניסטיות. גם המוקד עצמו מבוסס על חוויות אישיות לצד טקסטים אקדמיים ואחרים, והוא גובש במעורבות של סוכנויות פונדקאות מחד וארגונים פמיניסטיים מאידך. חפשו אותנו בגוגל ובפייסבוק.
Steven H. Snyder, Esq.
Steven Snyder is the founding and principal partner of Steven H. Snyder & Associates, Attorneys At Law and the International Assisted Reproduction Center (IARC) in Minnesota. Mr. Snyder attended law school at the University of Minnesota, graduating cum laude in 1982. Mr. Snyder successfully litigated the first and only contested Minnesota surrogacy case to date in 2006 in which he won sole custody of the child for a single gay father. He is a member of the American Bar Association (ABA), Chair of the Reproductive & Genetic Technology Committee of the Family Law Section of the ABA, ABA liaison to the National Coalition for the oversight of Assisted Reproductive Technology, Chair of the Minnesota State Bar Association Family Law Section, and a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. Mr. Snyder also serves on the national legal advisory committee of RESOLVE: The National Fertility Association, is chair of the legal advisory group for the American Fertility Association (for education, support, and advocacy on behalf of infertile persons), and is a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (national organization of fertility physicians).
Victoria T. Ferrara, Esq.
Victoria T. Ferrara, Esq., Legal Director of Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists and managing partner of the multi-lawyer Law Firm of Victoria T. Ferrara, PC, has been practicing law in the area of assisted reproductive technology for over 20 years. Vicki's clients come from around the world as she has represented intended parents from South America, Asia and Europe as well as many clients in the U.S.A. Through her handling of the landmark case of Raftopol v. Ramey, Vicki was instrumental in changing the law in the State of Connecticut to create a new way to become legal parents through surrogacy. Vicki is a fellow of the American Academy of Assisted Reproduction Technology Attorneys and she has written and presented at U.S. and international conferences on surrogacy law. Her agency, Worldwide Surrogacy, is a successful surrogacy matching agency with offices in Connecticut and New York.
Michael Doyle, M.D.
Dr. Doyle is the founder and medical director of CT Fertility, which he started in 1991 after completing his advanced fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology at Yale University. Prior to that he received his undergraduate degree from Brown University; his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco; and his residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Over 5,000 babies have been born to parents who have been successfully treated by Dr. Doyle, including over 500 for LGBT families who consistently praise him as a highly skilled expert who balances great technical expertise with a highly caring, hands-on and flexible approach. Dr. Doyle has authored numerous articles, research papers and book chapters, he is a frequent speaker at medical meetings and conferences, and acts as the resident expert on prominent community and professional portals including Fertility Authority, Family Equality Council, Proud Parenting, Surromoms Online, and the Center Families. In 2009 the outstanding results of his Frozen Donor Egg Bank were featured to an international audience at the ESHRE conference in Amsterdam.
John Hesla, M.D.
Dr. Hesla has always believed he has the best job in the world -- helping others become parents through innovative techniques assisted reproduction. He graduated with honors in biochemistry from Harvard University and received his medical degree from Oregon Health Sciences University. He completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Medicine and fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Johns Hopkins University. In 1999 he joined Oregon Reproductive Medicine (ORM) and co-founded the in vitro fertilization (IVF) program and embryology laboratory. He’s the medical director for Parents Via Egg Donation (PVED), an international, nonprofit organization that was developed to educate, support and empower individuals and couples who choose egg donation as a pathway to build a family. Working with an outstanding team of physicians, nurses, scientists and administrative staff at ORM allows us to provide our families with the best personalized care possible using the most advanced reproductive technology.
Stephanie Scott
Stephanie Scott is the Executive Program Director at Simple Surrogacy. Stephanie oversees the initial screening of all Intended Parents, Surrogates, and Egg Donors who apply with our program. As a previous Surrogate, Stephanie’s experience with agencies spans both sides of the process. She brings to the Agency experience a full understanding of the intricacies of the matching and screening process. Stephanie directs the matching between our Surrogates, Egg Donors, and Intended Parents based on their specific needs and desires. In addition to the acceptance and matching of new applicants, Stephanie also oversees the medical and psychological screening for our program. Stephanie Scott and Simple Surrogacy have been featured in 20/20 and Nightline, Newsweek Magazine, The LA Times, The Fort Worth Star Telegram, CBC National News Radio, USA Today, Dallas Child Magazine and The Hartford Courant, among many others.
Dana Magdassi, Esq.
Dana Magdassi is the founder and the legal adviser of International Surrogacy Agency as well as a partner in an Israeli law firm, Panek-Magdassi Law Firm. International Surrogacy Agency offers full service surrogacy and egg donation, with many years of experience in assisting couples and single gay men, in their journey to parenthood.
Dana Magdassi has been practicing law in Israel since 2003, dealing with surrogacy and assisted reproductive technology issues. She represented and handled legal and logistical aspects of numerous surrogacy cases. Dana has great experience and success in solving legal issues that may arise during surrogacy process abroad. All the clinics International Surrogacy Agent refer their clients to are licensed ones. When referring clients to surrogacy abroad Dana reassures her clients that they will receive the best medical and legal services from local clinics and lawyers. Dana is personally in contact with local lawyers at the country the surrogate arrangements take place and that is to insure working within the local legislation regarding this process.
Bruce Shapiro, MD, FACOG
Dr. Bruce Shapiro is specialty board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and is sub-specialty board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. He founded The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, the city’s first infertility practice, which is renowned for research that has advanced the science and practice of Reproductive Endocrinology. Under his direction, The Fertility Center of Las Vegas has grown from a successful local facility to having major regional, national & international influence in the field of Reproductive Endocrinology. Dr. Shapiro has developed techniques that make in vitro fertilization (IVF) safer and more effective, and this research is widely and regularly published in respected medical journals. Dr. Shapiro’s work has allowed patients who have had previous failures and/or OHSS in IVF to change the way their IVF cycles are performed so that their chance of success is greatly improved while their risk of complications from OHSS and high order multiple pregnancy are significantly reduced.
Said T. Daneshmand, MD, FACOG
Dr. Said Daneshmand, the Practice Director at The Fertility Center of Las Vegas is sub-specialty Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. He completed his residency and fellowship training at UCLA Medical Center. After joining The Fertility Center of Las Vegas in 1999, Dr. Daneshmand was integral in establishing the region’s first egg freezing program. He collaborated with his practice partner, Dr. Bruce Shapiro, to develop IVF protocols to improve pregnancy rates, including PTEC (post thaw extended culture), one of the most successful IVF regimens currently available.
Dr. Daneshmand and Dr. Shapiro’s voluminous research has been presented at both national and international conferences. has also recognized the Fertility Center of Las Vegas for their stellar pregnancy rates. Currently, Dr. Daneshmand’s special interest lies in developing protocols for patients undergoing IVF, focusing primarily on patients with previous unsuccessful cycles.
Dawn Marmorstein
Dawn Marmorstein founded Los Angeles Surrogacy Center (now The Surro Centers) after four successful journeys as a surrogate. Having helped others complete their journey to parenthood, she recognized her passion and dedication to surrogacy and in 2010 launched her own agency, offering an affordable agency fee and providing a model not found anywhere else. Her passion for surrogacy led to the creation of “The ABCs of Surrogacy”, a surrogacy-devoted podcast which can be heard on and Special guests discuss topics including donation, legal requirements, choosing surrogates, and IVF. Dawn understands the gift of surrogacy is the birth of a healthy baby born at full term without complications. With this in mind she created a wellness program to help ensure the health of the surrogate and the birth of a healthy baby. More recently she launched an egg donor bank to offer recipients a selection of donors with a wide variety of physical characteristics and backgrounds. Dawn resides in Southern California with her family of four children.
Kathryn Kaycoff-Manos, MA
Kathryn is a leading expert in international surrogacy. For 11 years, she and agency co-owner, Lauri de Brito, have helped hundreds from around the globe become parents. The mother of twins through surrogacy/egg donation, Kathryn personally knows that a hands-on agency can reduce stress and create a happy, healthy baby. Agency for Surrogacy Solutions has assisted the gay community since the company’s inception, and we strongly believe that everyone deserves to be a parent. Like all Jewish mothers – we want to help in any way we can!
Gal Sava
Gal Sava is the founder and CEO of Viva Surrogacy. Gal has a BA in Economics and BUsiness Administration, and prior to founding Viva Surrogacy he served as manager in a leading international media company. Since 2009 Gal has been guiding tens of couples through the process of IVF and surrogacy.
Collin B. Smikle, M.D.
Dr. Smikle is the founder and Medical Director of Laurel Fertility Care. Board certified in obstetrics and gynecology as well as reproductive endocrinology and infertility, he has extensive experience in IVF, all assisted reproductive technologies and advanced laparoscopic surgery. He is a highly respected physician, researcher, teacher and medical author. Dr. Smikle graduated Yale Medical School (1985) and completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School (1989). After residency, he served in the USAF Medical Corps and held a teaching position at Wilford Hall Medical Center in Texas. He received specialty training in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of California San Francisco where he also did extensive research in oocyte and follicular development and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). He felt that infertility patients needed a practice that remained at the cutting edge of assisted reproductive technology as offered in an academic environment or a large practice, but with the individualized attention of a small practice. With these loft goals, he founded Laurel Fertility Care in June 2005.
Doron Mamet
In 2008, following a surrogacy process that Doron and his spouse underwent, Doron conceived and founded Tammuz International Surrogacy Ltd. with the goal of enabling many more couples to join the circle of parents through surrogacy in the United States and India. In 2009, Doron initiated and developed the South Africa-India plan, and in 2013 the Israel plan. These plans were opened as a result of various needs that arose over the years.
In the past, Doron served as an executive at various high-tech companies. Doron has many years of experience in managing large projects in Israel and abroad. He holds a BA in the social sciences. He is married to Doron, and is a father to Talia and Matan.
Megan Hall
Megan Hall has been in the assisted reproduction industry for over seven years and has been a part of so many families created with the help of ART. Megan is passionate and eager to see everyone's dreams of a growing family come true, and has great appreciation for those women who give the gift of surrogacy. It is her commitment and passion that truly serves as the foundation of our agency’s approach. Megan is the mother of 3 beautiful children and has been a gestational surrogate for three families. Her experiences after graduating with an MBA in both Business Administration and Accounting were not nearly as fulfilling as the work she does today with Your Family Creation.
Judy Weiss, RNC
Judy Weiss, RNC, has been a nurse for the past 34 years of her life. She has devoted the past 16 years of practice as a Reproductive Endocrinology nurse to caring for families while on their journey towards parenthood. In 2005 she founded A Jewish Blessing, LLC as a response to the growing number of requests from Jewish families for her help in finding qualified Jewish Egg Donors. Then, with the dream of extending the same level of compassionate care to all families in need, Judy and her long time friend and colleague, Lynn Schineis, RN co-founded A Journey To Blessings, LLC.
Judy’s work is her “labor of love” and she has devoted her entire career to understanding the unique needs of every individual and family and to helping them achieve their dreams. She is deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to touch so many lives in such an extraordinary way. She considers it an honor to be part of your journey to blessings.
Yifat Shaltiel, Esq.
Yifat Shaltiel is an attorney with over 10 years of experience and specializes in surrogacy and third party reproduction. She is the owner of Surrogate Steps, a Surrogacy Agency, and Shaltiel Law Group, a law firm dedicated to surrogacy law in the United States. After having difficulties starting her own family, Yifat has dedicated her career to helping individuals and couples, including the LGBT community, to have children and experience the joy of parenthood. Both the agency and law firm work together to provide expertise, professionalism, and personalized customer care to ensure each of our intended parents with the best possible surrogacy experience! Yifat has authored numerous articles regarding United States law as it pertains to third party reproduction, and has been a guest lecturer and speaker at numerous professional venues, including Cornell University and the New York Women’s Bar Association for the Finger Lakes Chapter. Her professional affiliations relating to third party reproduction include serving as a committee member of the Health & Reproductive Rights Committee of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY).
Danielle Darrin
Danielle Darrin is the Operations Director/Co-Owner of Surrogacy Beyond Borders. Her job is to help you every step of the way in your journey to expanding your family. Danielle grew up in San Diego and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego. During her course of study, Danielle focused her attention on behavior therapy for children diagnosed with emotional disorders. Once a graduate, Danielle worked as a Supervisor at a law firm in San Diego specializing in family law. Danielle has personally seen the emotional process that can accompany the challenges associated with expanding a family. With this real life experience, she is well equipped to handle your journey with compassion and care. With her legal background, she will also be able to keep you well informed every step of the way.
Cristina F. Valdez , PhD
Dr. Valdez has a PhD in international relations with broad experience in both government and non-profit organization social programs. She has been working as International Patients Director at La Cigüeña del Bebé for more than a year, positioning the agency as one of the most prestigious surrogacy agencies in Mexico with the highest quality standards and focused in one on one quality customer service. She is also de International Patients Director for INSEMER, one of the most important infertility clinics in Latin America.
Breakout sessions
Seminar attendees are invited to choose up to six "speed group consults" with the sponsoring agencies and clinics. The sessions will be 17-18 minutes long and take place simultaneously in 4 meeting rooms as detailed below.
Lecture roon
(1st Floor)
Grpups room
(1st Floor)
(2nd Floor)
Classes roon
(2nd Floor)